b'Four lens colors tested by ZEISSThey help enhanceFour lens colors tested by ZEISSThey help enhancePhysiologicalBrain Activity Mood & EmotionsPerformanceThis has been measured throughPhysiologicalBrain Activity Mood & EmotionsPerformanceSkin Conductance NeuroanalysisThis has been measured throughEye Tracking &Heart RatePupillometrySkin Conductance NeuroanalysisZEISS BioChromand translated into a new lens portfolioRefresh, Relax, Focus or Boost with BioChrom lenses Eye Tracking &Heart RatePupillometryRefresh Relax Focus Boost Boost RefreshBlue tinted lenses Green tinted lenses Yellow tinted lenses Red tinted lensesand translated into a new lens portfolioZEISS BioChrom is a sunglasses lens concept developed by ZEISSBoost BioChrom Refreshthat introduces a new dimension to eyewear. Colour becomes a performance technology that goes beyond vision and can improve the way you feel. Focus RelaxZEISS Colors have a strong influence on our vision and scientificBioChromevidence suggests that colors have also a deeper effect thatRefresh ZEISS BioChrom blue-tinted lensesgoes beyond vision, as they are connected to our biological and physiological systems.Support reactivity and awakening with lower Focus Relaxlevels of sleepiness after a relaxing period InFour lens colors tested by ZEISSPromote faster recovery and higher recentyears,besidesprotectionandperformance, consumersintheeyewearmarketarelookingtofeelactivation after a relaxing periodgoodwithglassesaswell,whethertheywanttorelax,Refresh ZEISS BioChrom blue-tinted lensesget energized or improve their look. Consumer needs areSupport reactivity and awakening with lower now connected to well-being and the way people envisionlevels of sleepiness after a relaxing period They help enhance Relax ZEISS BioChrom green-tinted lenseswellness has radically changed over the last few years.Promote faster recovery and higherGreen liation xposur r rlaxuce s head stressactivght eafter aeeeding periodTo satisfy these new needs, ZEISS developed BioChrom, aintensity as compared to white light exposure This suggests that green light has ageneration of tinted lenses that goes beyond vision, wherestress-relieving effectcolor doesnt only affect how we see, but also how we feel.Relax ZEISS BioChrom green-tinted lensesBioChrom is a different way of thinking about eyewear: it is a fresh concept that explores the full power of the color Green light exposure reduces head stressPhysiologicalintensity as compared to white light exposurespectrum and research in vision and neurosciences. Focus ZEISS BioChrom yellow-tinted lensesPerformance Brain Activity Mood & EmotionsThis suggests that green light has astress-relieving effect Show a positive influence on the ability to stay focused Lead to a lower average distraction index, This has been measured through suggesting a higher level of attentionFocus ZEISS BioChrom yellow-tinted lenses Show a positive influence on the ability to stay focusedBoost ZEISS BioChrom red-tinted lensesSkin Conductance NeuroanalysisLead to a lower average distraction index, suggesting a higher level of attention Increase emotional responses, even in challenging situationsFour lens colors tested by ZEISSLead to increased brain activity and higher Eye Tracking &Heart Ratelevels of emotion regulation, suggesting aPupillometry higher level of emotional arousalBoost ZEISS BioChrom red-tinted lenses Increase emotional responses, even in challenging situationsand translated iThey help enhancento a new lens portfolioLead to increased brain activity and higher levels of emotion regulation, suggesting ahigher level of emotional arousalZEISS BioChromBoost Refresh ZEISS BioChrom is a new range of tinted lenses that goes beyond vision, where color doesnt only affect how we see, but also how we feel. For all scientific sources and details, please visit: www.zeiss.com/news/biochromZEISSZEISS BioChromPhysiologicalBioChrom Mood & Emotions ZEISS BioChrom is a new range of tinted lenses that goes Performance Brain Activity beyond vision, where color doesnt only affect how we see, but also how we feel. For all scientific sources and details, please visit: www.zeiss.com/news/biochromThis has been measured throughFocus Relax88Refresh ZEISS BioChrom blue-tinted lensesSkin Conductance Neuroanalysis Support reactivity and awakening with lower levels of sleepiness after a relaxing periodPromote faster recovery and higher activation after a relaxing periodEye Tracking &Heart RatePupillometryRelax ZEISS BioChrom green-tinted lensesand translated into a new lens portfolio Green light exposure reduces head stressintensity as compared to white light exposure This suggests that green light has astress-relieving effectBoost RefreshFocus ZEISS BioChrom yellow-tinted lensesZEISSShow a positive influence on the ability to stay focused BioChrom Lead to a lower average distraction index, suggesting a higher level of attentionFocus RelaxBoost ZEISS BioChrom red-tinted lensesRefresh ZEISS BioChrom blue-tinted lenses Increase emotional responses, even in challenging situations Support reactivity and awakening with lower leavde ltso o ifn sclreeeapsiende sbsr aaifnte arc ati vreitlya xainndghpiegrhioedr Lelevels of emotion regulation, suggesting a hPigrohmero lteev efal sotfe re mreoctoiovenraylaanrodu hsaigl her activation after a relaxing periodRelax ZEISS BioChrom green-tinted lensesZEISS BioChrom Green light exposure reduces head stressintensity as compared to white light exposureZEISS BioChrom is a new range of tinted lenses that goesThis suggests that green light has abeyond vision, wherstress-e crelolor doesnieving effet only affect how we ctsee, but also how we feel. For all scientific sources and details, please visit: www.zeiss.com/news/biochromFocus ZEISS BioChrom yellow-tinted lenses Show a positive influence on the ability to stay focused Lead to a lower average distraction index, suggesting a higher level of attentionBoost ZEISS BioChrom red-tinted lenses Increase emotional responses, even in challenging situations Lead to increased brain activity and higher levels of emotion regulation, suggesting ahigher level of emotional arousalZEISS BioChromZEISS BioChrom is a new range of tinted lenses that goes beyond vision, where color doesnt only affect how we see, but also how we feel. For all scientific sources and details, please visit: www.zeiss.com/news/biochrom'