b'golfIMPACTX LASER PURPLE Rydon golf Sirius golfWe have enriched our revolutionary ImpactX Photochromic optics with a cutting-edge and beautiful lens specifically tailored to elevate golfers performance. Benefiting from the most advanced photo-chromic technology and a luminous transmittance getting dark from 48% to 8% according to the day, the brand new ImpactX Photochromic2LaserPurpleblendsstate-of-the-artlight management with ultra defined contrast and enhanced depthBLACK MATTE WHITE GLOSSperception allowing to better gauge distance. ImpactX Photochromic 2 Laser Purple ImpactX Photochromic 2 Laser PurpleSP 53 75 06 G- 0000 | 285 SP 87 75 69 - 0000 | 230REVOLUTIONARY LENSES A=70 / B=40Our bespoke ImpactX lenses are made with superior opticsTralyx + golf Turbolence golfpolymers to combine optical clarity, lightweight and incredible impact resistance. The end result is sharp and comfortable vision which allows golfer to focus on the green. FACE EVERY LIGHT CONDITIONWhile playing golf, weather conditions can change and photo-chromic sun lenses just adapt to light variations. Our ImpactX Photochromic 2 Laser Purple lenses feature fast activation andWHITE GLOSS WHITE MATTEfading speed a large photochromic range ( from 48% to 8%) andImpactX Photochromic 2 Laser Purple ImpactX Photochromic 2 Laser Purpleextreme durability with long term resistance to UVA and UVBSP 76 75 69 - 0000 | 285 SP 89 75 58 - N000 | 285radiations.OLEOPHOBIC COATING Nyad golfThe ImpactX Photochromic 2 Laser Purple lenses feature a state-of-the-art oleophobic coating to make them tougher and more durable. This barrier minimizes the formation of smud-ges, prevents stain and fingerprints and makes cleaning easier to always ensure superior clarity on the green. BLACK MATTECOLOR ENHANCEMENT ImpactX Photochromic 2 Laser PurpleThe ImpactX Photochromic 2 Laser Purple lenses are specifi- SP 92 75 06 - 0000 | 230cally fine tuned to experiencecolors like never before. The HDR filter takes visual performance and comfort to a higher level by reducing the intensity of light without taking away natural hues. By attenuating the light for specific colors, the HDR filter enhance color perception for the colors that matter for the golf.performance / stealth / shootingRydon performance kit Agent Q stealth Rydon stealthCERTIFIED Z87.1+ / Z87.1 CERTIFIED Z87.1+ / Z87.1STEALTH BLACK MATTE STEALTH BLACK MATTESP 70 10 06-SH00 | 270 Smoke Black Z87.1 SP 53 10 06-SH10 | 230 Smoke Black Z87.1BLACK MATTE SP 70 73 06-SH00 | 325 ImpactX Photochromic 2 Black Z87.1+ SP 53 73 06-SH00 | 285 ImpactX Photochromic 2 Black Z87.1+Laser Copper + Action Brown + Clear + Yellow + Racing Red LensesSP 53 03 06-S005 | 330 Nyad stealth Turbolence shootingAgent Q Hi-Altitude performance kitCERTIFIED Z87.1+ / Z87.1 CHARCOAL MATTESTEALTH BLACK MATTE ImpactX Photochromic 2 Laser RedBLACK MATTE SP 92 10 06-SH00 | 175 Smoke Black Z87.1 SP 89 89 38 - N000 | 285Hi-Altitude + Multilaser Gold +SP 92 73 06-SH00 | 230 ImpactX Photochromic 2 Black Z87.1+Trasparent LensesSP 70 98 06-S003 | 345 WHAT IS ANSI Z87.1ANSI Z87.1 is the American National Standard that covers the basic requirements for personal eye and face protective devices to minimize or prevent injuries from impacts, non-ionizing radiation and chemical agents in occupational, educational and military environments. This standard sets criteria related to the description, ELASTIC STRAP AND SHIELD INTERFACE INCLUDED general requirements, testing, marking, selection, care and use of these protectors.66'