b'RUDY PROJECTSUNGLASSES ARE LOADEDWITH FEATURES THAT MAXIMIZE YOUR COMFORT AND PERFORMANCE. TECHNOLOGYHERE IS ALIST OFTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS THAT MAKE OUR SUNGLASSES THE BEST-IN-THE-WORLD. ON EVERY PRODUCT PAGE OF THE CATALOGUE YOU WILL FIND ICONS THAT REPRESENT THESE FEATURES. ADAPTIVE TIPS ADJUSTABLE NOSEPIECE ADJUSTABLE TEMPLEThe Adaptive Tips system is designedOur soft adjustable nose pads offer anAdjustable temples ensures a fully cu-to ensure maximum comfort : thanksexceptional custom fit for any shape ofstom and a perfect grip maximizing the to its interior bendable stainless steel,face stability of the sunglasses.the front portion of the tip can be very easily adjusted and the rear portion of the tip naturally flexes without hurting the riders head when inserted through the helmet ventsCOMPRESSION FIT INTERCHANGEABLE BUMPER GOGGLE INTERFACEThe wraparound geometry of the RudyThebumpersarecolorfulrubberinsertsThe vented and padded full-face coun-Project performance eyewear deliversplaced on the lower edge of the lens andter mask provides additional protection a natural compression fit without ap- designedtomaximizeyoursafetyinthefrom wind and atmospheric elements plying too much pressure on the headevent of crash increasing the safety of the eyes area.increasing comfort and stability 360INTERCHANGEABLE LENSES ELASTIC STRAP TOTAL COMFORT FITThe Quick Change feature allows you toThe elastic strap with included head lock isFeaturing erogonomic design,easilyandswiftlychangeoutlensestoessential to secure your eyewear and retaincompleteadjustability,multiplesi-manage any light condition and choose theit while wearing a helmetzes and smart comfort solutions, our look that suits you best eyewearensureunparalleledcomfort andfitwiththephysicalfeaturesof each ethnic group.VENT CONTROLLER SIDE SHIELDS POWERFLOWRudy Project vent controller is designedThe peripheral shields are removableThe Power Flow ventilation system re-to adjust the airflow through the lens torubberinsertswhichenhancepro- duces the risk of fogging thanks to ven-reduce thermal shock, prevent misting,tection from side light and shocks cau- ting scentificallylocated on the frame, and ensure perfect vision and comfor- sed by eventual falls or impacts withlens, and temple tips.table ventilation. rocks or branches.- +RX SOLUTIONS SAFETY PROJECT RILSANMost of our models offer prescriptionRudy Project eyewear provide superiorRILSAN material isused for injecting solutionstoalwaysensurethebestsafetythroughintegratedhingesandframe, made from the oil of the castor standard of performance for all pre- soft,thermoplasticelastomerswhichbeangrownintheGujaratregionof scription wearers. prevent injuries in the event of falls, im- India. The oil is further refined during pact and collisions. several steps to produce the primary bio-based raw material in the polymer.17'