b'PPE TECHNICAL FEATURES SPECIAL CONFIGUREATIONSP.P.E CERTIFIED CATEGORY 2INTERCHANGEABLE RETAINERAll Rudy Project protective glasses are PPETralyx Guard features an interchangeable re-certified in compliance with the EN 166:2001tainer with head lock included to keep your Standard on eye protection. Tralyx Guard andspectacles safe.Intron are both category 2 PPE. The PPE eye-wearmeetsalsotheANZIZ87+standardsEASY CLEANINGpassing the high mass impact and high veloc- OurPPEcollectionsunglassesareeasyto ity impact tests ensuring further protection sanitize with warm water, mild soap or with a SHIELD PROTECTIVE LENSES hydrogen peroxide solution at 0.5%.All the PPE eyewear feature specific lens ge-ometry to maximize the protection of the eyesWATER AND CHEMICAL RESISTANCEarea. The PPE eyewear lenses are more deepThe Grilamid frame of the Rudy Project glass-and wraparound compared to the traditionalesis well suited to cleaning and sterilization. lens shapes. The transparent polycarbonateThanks to its high chemical resistance this lenses benefit from the RP Optics qualitiesmaterial can be cleaning and sanitize several such as sharp vision and high resistance. times without being damaged. COMFORT AND STABILITY LIGHTNESS AND DURABILITYDrawing from the Rudy Project performanceBenefiting from the Grilamid frame and its features, our PPE frames feature soft rubberergonomic design, all the Rudy Project PPE adjustable temple tips and nosepads to offerglasses are extremely comfy without exerting maximum comfort, stability and adjustability. any pressure on the skull.E RT PPE CATEGORY 2C IFI E D2 PPE Cat. 2 eyewear is designed to be worn or held byanindividualforprotectionagainstoneor C A TE YGOR more health and safety hazards.Each eye protec-tion equipment (PPE) used for work-related pur-poses must at least be classified as category 2 in compliance with the Standard UNI EN 166:2001. Therefore, for this kind of glasses, third-part test-ing is mandatory.E RT SPLASH AND LIQUID DROPLET PROTECTIONC IFI E D2 AgentQensuresasuperiorlevelofprotection becauseitmeetstherequirementsoftheUNI C A TE YGOR EN 166:2001 (PPE category 2) and the additional standard of splash and liquid droplets protection in compliance with the specific testing procedure of the UNI EN 168:2001 (point 12).65'