b'ZEISS BioChrom + Rudy Project = BioChrom+EYEWEARWellness lenses with Blue Light ARBacked by Scientific ResearchHow BioChrom+ Lenses by Rudy Project and ZEISS Sunlens can Affect your Performances on Body and Mind.Colors have a strong influence on our vision and scientific evidenceZEISS made use of the research of two important institutes suggests that colors have also a deeper effect that goes beyondto investigate the topic. The ZEISS Vision Science Lab in Tbingen, vision, as they are connected to our biological and physiologicalGermany, and the Behavior and BrainLab of the IULM University of systems.Milan, Italy. Various measurement methods like EEG, pupillometry, Colors are far more than just visual information and are able to evokeeye tracking, heart rate measurements and galvanic skin response emotional reactions. So, it was shown that specific colors can impacthave been used to study the specific neurological, physiological, and arousal, attention and focus. It was also shown that colors feel frompsychological effects tinted lenses can have on us.arousing, warm, relaxing or cool, to feelings like sadness and anger.In particular, it emerged that four colors can have a positive effect Colors have an effect on different levels, physiologically and psycho- on our body and mind: yellow, red, green and blue. Each color cor-logically, and can impact performance and behavior, says Prof. Dr.responds to a biological response. Siegfried Wahl, Principal Investigator in the Institute for Ophthal- For example, ZEISS neuroscientific and psychophysiological studies mic Research of the University Tbingen. show that BioChrom Refresh blue lenses lead to a faster recovery In recent years, besides protection and performance, consumersand a higher activation, reactivity and awakening, after a relaxing in the eyewear market are looking to feel good with glasses as well,period. Neuroanalysis shows a significantly lower average Global whether they want to relax, get energized or improve their look.Field Power in the delta band of -89%, which means a lower level of Consumer needs are now connected to well-being and the waysleepiness with BioChrom Refresh blue lenses than without lenses.people envision wellness has radically changed over the last fewBioChrom Focus yellow lenses increase attention span during a years. task, showing a positive influence of the lens on the ability to stay To satisfy these new needs, ZEISS developed BioChrom, a generationfocused. Neuroanalysis shows a significantly low er average of tinted lenses that goes beyond vision, where color doesnt onlydistraction index of -83% in participants wearing BioChrom Focus affect how we see, but also how we feel. BioChrom is a differentyellow lenses during a task than without lenses.way of thinking about eyewear: it is a fresh concept that exploresBioChrom lenses can therefore be used when you have particular the full power of the color spectrum and research in vision andphysical or psychological needs and can be worn before or after neurosciences.the activity based on the result you want to obtain.Colors become a performance technology that can enhance: Just as BioChrom + Rudy Project eyewear Elevates your Performance, Biochromlenseselevatesyourmood.Biochrom+alsoincludesa special coating that offers protection against harmful effects of blue-violet light indoors while permitting the healthy blue light Your mood Your brain Your physiological we need for regulating melatonin and therefore controlling our and emotions activity performance biorhythm and wellbeing. Potentially harmful blue light is emitted BioChrom is the result of thorough studies in vision science andby LEDs, TVs, computer screens, tablets or phones. We call this neurosciencetodemonstratetheeffectsofcolorsandtintedBioChrom+.lenses on vision and neurophysiological response.Biochrom+ lenses are available on all Rudy Project Ophtahlamic frames including Inkas, Iridis, Pulse & StepBoost RefreshRefresh Relax Focus BoostLens Blue tinted lenses Green tinted lenses Yellow tinted lenses Red tinted lensesConceptsFocus Relax21'